Virtual meeting on 15-16 September 2022 CLN2S@Sapienza, IIT, Rome

This workshop aims to bring together a selected group of eminent researchers in the field of microfluidics and computational modeling of soft flowing matter to discuss developments, current challenges, and future perspectives in the field.


The workshop is dedicated to the advancements in experimental and computational techniques in soft mesoscale material synthesis. The focus will be on discussing various simulation techniques, state-of-the-art experimental methods, and microfluidics industry needs. Recent advancements in the field will be discussed in the contexts of biomedical applications, environmental impact, and future advances beyond the current state-of-the-art.


  • Droplet-based soft flowing matter, theory, experiments, and simulations
  • Novel soft mesoscale material
  • Rheology and non-equilibrium pattern formation underflow
  • Active vs. passive models for soft flowing matter
  • Machine learning in microfluidics

Sauro Succi (IIT), Andrea Montessori (Roma Tre), Marco Lauricella (CNR), Adriano Tiribocchi (CNR), Mihir Durve (IIT)